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Protect Your Instagram Account Today And Your Privacy

Instagram is a social media platform where you upload your pictures and share with family and friends and people outside family and friends. Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms now, many people use their Instagram accounts for business and make some good amount of money from it. Other promote their products they are selling.

With so many hashtag community on Instagram you can easily relate your post to what its similar to what you are posting. People with a lot of Instagram followers like celebrities and politicians use their Instagram account for business too.

But nothing in this world is safe when it comes to the internet, for every fix in a system there is a hack to it. So today we are going to give you few tips on how to protect your Instagram account and keep your private information safe.

Make Your Account Private

So many people do not like the idea of making their instagram account private because they may still be looking for new and more followers to add to their account. But making your account to stay on Private gives you the right to accept who you want to accept and you can go through the person’s profile to know who he or she is before accepting.

Block Annoying or Specific Users

This is one thing I easily do. Make sure you block users who ask personal questions or questions related to your identity or family. Such people may be an identity thief, and they can do more damage than you expect they would do. Make sure you learn how to block people especially people who just started following you.

Make sure you turn on Two Factor Authentication

This is one of the best securities for now and security and cybersecurity experts are still looking for new ways to keep you safe. Using Two Factor Authentication keeps you 90% safe. Knowing that even when someone has access to your account they won’t be able to get total control of your account because they will need to pass through another security check and identity check before they can be logged in.

Do not allow or Give permission to any third party apps to get access to your account information.

This is one thing many people do without knowing. Do not allow apps with unfollowing features and other instagram third-party apps that allow you to save instagram picture to get access right permission to your instagram account.


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